Corporate Identity
OASIS-Products was founded on May 1, 1984. On September 13, 1989 OASIS-Products was incorporated in the State of Nevada in order to keep up with the growth of the company and the expansion into the international market.
We still have employees who have been with us since the day "One". One of the major interests of the Board of Directors has always been to sell top-quality American-made products. Our past success has proven to us that many Americans do still care about where a products was manufactured.
Cities small and large, various communities as well as Companies like Disneyland, Universal-Studios, Host-Marriott, Caesars Palace and many others count among the satisfied customers of OASIS-Products, Inc.
We have a line of products, especially useful for Parks & Recreation Departments nation wide.
We are listed with Dun & Bradstreet since 1989.
All images on this site are owned by us, purchased for, or by us, used with permission, original artwork or obtained free in the public domain.